
Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Blogging with Room 12

Today while the year 6's visited Blockhouse Bay Intermediate the year 5's collaborated with the Room 12 year 5's.

We discussed the Olympic spirit and how the New Zealand athlete Nikki Hamblin embodied this during her 5000m heat early this morning. The year 5's were asked to think about the Olympic Creed and the message it sends to not only the Olympic athletes, but to us as learners.

At the end of the discussion and sharing learners reflected on their own struggles with learning and wrote a reflection.

Ms Laxa taught the year 5's how to post their google slide reflection onto their blogs.

Hopefully the year 5's went home to share this with their families.

1 comment:

  1. I think room 12 is doing they work and they are much quickly in room 12 work things when they are is like very nice room.


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