“Quick! Let’s go! The helicopter is coming!” Miss Hall said
excitedly. Room 25 quickly made a line and rushed outside to join the crowed.
Far in the distance we heard a faint thud sound, which grew
louder and louder. We saw the helicopter coming closer and closer. Before we
knew it, the helicopter was hovering above our heads.
The helicopter slowly came down and landed on New Windsor
School’s back field. The New Windsor School students all cheered in excitement.
Room 25 joined up with their buddy class, Room 24, and
together we walked around the police helicopter. We asked some really important
questions. Muket asked one of the pilots “how do you catch the criminals when
you’re flying the helicopter?” The pilot said “we radio the police car and tell
them where the criminals are, and we wait for them to arrive to take the
criminals away.”
The police helicopter visited our school today as part of
our health unit on emergency services.
Just before morning tea we waved goodbye to the police
helicopter as they flew off to catch some criminals.
By Darius, Thai, Muket and Miss Hall