
Saturday, 18 March 2017

Making connections

We start each morning coming together with Room's 11 and 12 to set our goals and build relationships with one another.

Learners have written a pepeha and take turns to share this with Room's 11, 12 and 13. 

Once we have finished we should our appreciation by signing a waiata. 


  1. i really like how some people are being confident,good singers and appreciating each others work :-) :-)

  2. i really like how some people are being confident,good singers and appreciating each others work :-) :-)

  3. Hi there my name is Kate and i am a student in room 11 at New Windsor school.I really like the way you do stuff differently to other classes.You all must be good at your pephas!It made me think of the firs time I did my pepha. I felt scared but felt good after I commpleated it.Have you thought of all the different types of pephas there are,and mabye you could teach other people in New windsor school how to do their pepha.


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