
Saturday, 18 March 2017

Making connections

We start each morning coming together with Room's 11 and 12 to set our goals and build relationships with one another.

Learners have written a pepeha and take turns to share this with Room's 11, 12 and 13. 

Once we have finished we should our appreciation by signing a waiata. 

Maths time

Some learners have been making the most of our modern learning environment furniture - here you can see a student drawing a place value house to work out how to write the digits for the number words on studyladder. 

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Exploring colour

We have been exploring colour in preparation for our finished piece of term 1 art.

Using paint, learners blended primary colours to create secondary colours. Learners also learnt about tertiary colours - colour made when mixing a primary colour with a secondary colour.

The colour wheels that you can see being painted here will help the learners to plan which colours they will use in the finished piece of art.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Tuakana teine

We practiced tuakana teine with our buddy class today. Tuakana teine is part of traditional Maori society when an older more expert person helps a younger less experienced person. 

Room 13 learners helped their buddies to create a river highlighting something that they have trouble learning. Room 15 learners talked about what they didn't like about their chosen topic and how they can find a way over their river.