This term we were given a big problem to solve...our school rabbits needed to have a constant supply of food. Unfortunately a few weeks into this term one of our school rabbits died...but this hasn't stopped us from farming food for Rumble.
Like any good farmer we needed to understand our customer (Rumble)...What can he eat? How much does he eat? and so on. This meant we needed to do a little research and ask some experts questions about rabbits - our school rabbit keepers and Mrs Rogers.
After gaining some knowledge about our customer, what his needs and wants are we set about planning our rabbit food farm. After walking around our school we quickly discovered some problems...we needed space for our farm, and space at our school is hard to come by! We needed to freely get to our farm to check that our plants were growing well, but it's winter! Lot's of rain and very cold! Balls go flying all over the place at our school, so we needed a space where they would be protected from balls. We worked together to come up with possible solutions using what we knew about the needs of plants. We decided to create a garden inside our classroom!
We wondered if we needed to ask someone if we could do this. We began writing a letter to Mr Bermingham to ask for permission to turn our classroom into a farm. Out letter was very persuasive!
While waiting for Mr Bermingham's reply we began to design our gardens. When shared our ideas with the students from Room 20. When we received the yes from Mr Bermingham, we began collecting materials to construct our garden.
Today we planted some of our gardens, and will hopefully have them all planted by the end of tomorrow. Rumble is going to be very well fed!
What did you plant?