
Thursday, 30 July 2015

Our Special Guests...

We heard a "knock, knock" on our door. We all turned to look to see who was knocking on our classroom door. We saw three extremely tall rugby players delivering our milk.

We thanked them for our milk and asked for a photo.

The rugby players are at our school today as part of the launch of the ITM cup. 


  1. hi room 25 this is kiedus you look so cute with them how did you feel were you amazed? I bet you were looking foreword to your replay

  2. Greetings Room 25, My name is Hosana and I'm from Room 12.
    You guys are super lucky! All of yous have beautiful smiles, but if that was me I would've gone super crazy you wouldn't want me there! Beautiful smiles, lovely faces and handsom faces, super excited, just can't believe it! I'm pretty sure that's how you guys feel right now. How many of you are total fans of them? Because I am.

    Sincerely, Hosana


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